I figured since it has been a while I would post some pictures, the make up of some of the farm has changed and I am far too lazy too go back and see what I have and haven't posted about. So.
Brego, the fat hairball is still a fat hairball.
*happy sigh* I love this horse so much.
Oh, look, I'm a grandma, this is Demetri:
"I find this pumpkin concerning."
In the Link costum I knit for him before he was born, lol.
With his mom on Halloween.
Duck, duck, duck....
the chicks that hatched this summer, it is obvious now which are roos. They will likely be soup before spring.
Though I may give the one who looks like his daddy a reprieve. Jewels is so pretty, especially now that his moult is over.
The handsome red roo will likely not see the end of the year before he lands in a pot. He is a very sweet kind gentle roo, we just have more roo than we need so.... stew pot.
Look how big and handsome the first kid born here has turned out! Chickory is almost 2 now. I wish I had more time to work him, I really want to get him driving well.
Stoli and Kahlua, my mini nubians.
Rosie and Woodruff. Rosie is mine, Woodruff is the goat i am trading for Stoli, he just needs to head home.
Buckthorn and Ivy, Buckthorn is my meat mix buck. All my bucks are young this year and small. Buckthorn is roughly 1/2 Boer, 1/4 Kiko and 1/4 Nubian. Maybe more Nubian and less kiko, his mom looks a LOT more nubian than anything else.
and Sage and Nutmeg.
I wasn't able to breed Sage for a fall kid because I had no buck at that point. So I have NO fresh does. *sob* and probably won't have any kidding until April. *sob*
OK, that should be it for now.