But then Sparrow wore himself out and had to take a nap, lol.
Everyone got groomed and hoof picked (the boys were both abducted by aliens and their normal hooves were replaced with hideous alien hooves. i swear, they are on a 6 week schedule and it looked like they hadn't been done in 3 months!!! INSANE!!!). I worked with Brego a lot on ground manners and putting his feet where i want them, then I brought out the milk crate and used it to get up high enough to lay over his back while he grazed. It was like being a teenager again, sprawled across my pony while he chowed down and basically ignored me, lol. Then, much to his chagrin... it was time to get ready for Katherine to come and trim his feet.
It is an ongoing quest to find the perfect way to keep his hair out of her way. This time I french braided his feather down the back of heack leg amd covered it in vetwrap. I ran out before I did a proper job on all 4 feet, so now I know I need two rolls of vet wrap per hoof trim, lol. Brego was not amused, as you can tell by this pitiful and annoyed look he is giving me, haha!
Katherine agreed with my opinion that both boys had been abducted by aliens and their feet tinkered with by ETs. It took THREE hours to do the three ponies!!! Most of that spent trying to figure out what the heck was going on with the boy's feet. I always enjoy when she comes to trim the horses, not just because i like the job she does and the price she charges but also because she is just generally a really neat person and I genuinely like her.
I am exhausted today, though. I'm not used to being on my feet all day long anymore. My hips and feet are making sure I know i over did it, lol.