Schrody is being so sweet. She isn't happy about still being in a cage in the bathroom but she is being such a mushyfaced cuddlecat. The first day she was yowling, but I think she still had raging hormones. She has stopped fighting to get out, stopped yowling, and now just tries the "as cute as possible" thing to get out. I have been letting her out for a few minutes at a time while I clean the cage, then fill her dish and check her tummy. She has not been messing with her stitches which is good.
I was even able to deworm her with only a little drama. OK, she held a grudge for that one for about 8 hours,after trying to slit my wrists with her hind nails once I got the pill in her throat. But she is all over that now. The dewormer has made her poo stink to high heaven, though. Ugh. I have never smelled cat crap with a reek like this. It is literally eye watering. I'll be glad when she can go back outside. Just a few more days and the incision should be healed enough that I can kick her back outside.
She "air kneads" when she is enjoying the attention:
I moved the fence out back this morning, so the ponies are enjoying the nice grass out there:
Sparrow has almost lost all of his winter hair *sigh*, just in time for him to start growing it back in 5 or 6 weeks:
This was supposed to be a picture of his bum, it ended up being a picture of weeds, with a background of his bum, but I like it:
Mary is looking nice and glossy. Not looking any thinner, but looking nice and glossy!
The boys have been hanging out a lot lately, they do fine as long as Sparrow doesn't get in between Brego and Mary. That gets him chased off. But he is learning where he needs to stand to not get one or the other of the love birds annoyed with him:
I made sure the fence had plenty of electric running to it before putting them out back but I have still been kind of paranoid about it and checking on them every few minutes all day. They do NOT like being out there during their mid day siesta. Since Brego got here they have come to enjoy napping in the barn and they get pouty when they are away from their run in. They will survive, despite how put out they are acting about it, hehe.
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