OK, I'm not going to show all the horses in the parade, just my favorites.
First, a larger mini pulling a nice wood cart. I WANT that cart. Sparrow would just be pure flash pulling a cart like that.
Percheron team pulling the trolley from parking to down town:
Halflinger. My next horse will probably be a Haffie. I like them more draft than this but I wouldn't turn one like this down. Love the breed even though I don;t care for the colour at all.
This mini has been in every one of the MCotH parades and I just think it is adorable:
OK, remember Mary from Mt Christie Gypsy Horses? The absolute angel who loaded up her truck and trailer and drove me free of charge to meet Marsha and get my Brego? Well, this is her horse Mickey. I believe that is her son (or son in law, I forget which) riding:
A woman standing just down from me said, "I almost didn't notice how pretty the horse was because I was distracted by the cowboy, yummy!" (these were after the parade when they came back through)
Their donkey, Zesty, was in the parade, too. He is such a sweet boy. That is Mary's daughter manning the leadrope.
Icelandic horse, I wish they had ridden it. In the breed display this horse kept yawning like all the commotion was the most boring thing ever. Icelandics are on my short list right next to Haffies.
Sheriff posse, I'm not one for Arabs but this horse is gorgeous. Wish I'd got a shot of it moving.
More posse. This black and white horse always looks like it is about to flip out, but never does. VERY flashy horse. It's one of those horses that is much more attractive in person. I have never got a picture of it that does it justice.
OK, the next two horses are my absolute favorite horses (side from Mary's boys) in the whole parade. I seriously go to this parade 90% to see the big one, but the little one just blew my mind.
First, the mini, with another horse in the shot to give some perspective.
This little guy makes my mini horses look HUGE. And he is put together SOOOO nice! I just want to stuff him in my pocket and bring him home!!
The bay behind him is really my type, too. The right colour as well, lol.
And last but certainly not least, this horse just blows me away. I believe he is a spotted draft, mostly Percheron bloodlines (but don't quote me on that). You can't really get a perspective for how huge this animal is from pictures. He is massive. Not just tall, but the widest tank of a beast I have ever seen in person.
I wish I had a shot of him straight from the front. He easily has a good 2 to 2 1/2 feet of space between his front knees.
I get a little weak kneed every time I see him. He is just soooo stunning.
I ended up missing seeing Debbie, the trainer I used to work for, because she ws out with the hunt, but I talked to her mom for a while. Missed Mary too, as I went by her area while they were setting up for the parade. I was a tad bit bummed but was delighted to see that 1) Mary and one of her horses from last year made the cover of the program for the event and 2) Mickey was in the parade under saddle. I'm delighted to see my breed of choice anywhere but seeing it showing off doing something is even better!
You ok??
ReplyDeleteYup, just painfully lazy this week. :-) I have a new post coming today or tomorrow, depending on whether or not I get permission to use some pictures.