At any rate, with no further adieu... My precious Sarahgoatkin, may she rest in peace:
Her home was the old chicken coop which my ex later dragged out back and burned for a bonfire at one of his parties. One of these days I will write out the tale of how i came to have this wonderful little sprite, and how I lost her.
Now on to cars... the tractor is gone, and the car is home. It is a Mitzubishi Mirage. It is the size of a matchbox car. I love it. It has a remote starter in it too, hahaha! The trunk is MASSIVE for a car this small. I'm soooo stinking happy with it. It needs some new stuff put in the front end (flies over my head) and it has pretty high miles but it belongs to us free and clear and gets like 40 MPG.
The ponies were like, "WTF? She has the camera out and isn;t taking pictures of US? PFTHTTT!"
Anyway, whilst looking for goat pictures i found some pictures of Trooper. Man, I miss this horse. The world just seems a far more empty place without this big knucklehead in it... at times Brego is so much like him that it almost brings me to tears of joy.
I also found a ton of adorable pictures of little Tiffy:
and last but by no means least... Young fit Jamie, still recovering from his last major founder, moving sound but with funky feet (please forgice his sad excuse for a tail... The aforementioned sarahgoatkin had eaten the entire thing off to the tailbone not too terribly long before this picture, lol. I loved her anyway.):
and old silly Jamie, in his tractor tire hay feeder:
Yeahhh you a CAR!!!!! Memory lane seems like it was fun for you =)
ReplyDeleteOh, I remember little Jamie! And how cute is that in the tire feeder! Of course little Tiff is adorable...isn't it an odd feeling to look at baby photos and compare them to their grown up selves? It's bittersweet, i can't find the right word for it. You miss the baby they were while being proud of the person they have become. Almost like they were several different people, baby self, toddler self, etc. But all those people are gone now...i can get weepy over the whole thing if I think about it too long. Sheeh I need sunshine...