Tsu is going all "Green Acres" on me with his nifty new harrow.
Of course he is making funny faces, as usual.
Today once it warms up I will be dragging the barn lot, assuming i can remember how to start the quad.
The horses are shedding like mad.
Brego seems to be holding on to his 'stache so far.
they are super itchy and spend a lot of time doing this sort of thing:
They were running around as Tsu was using the harrow.
They are filthy and the barn lot looks HORRIBLE, but such is spring.
Both of my orders of supplies for Parsley are out for delivery today. So he should be treated for that nasty skin, and get his copper bolus as well. All of them are going to be treated for creepy crawly skin stuff and get a marshmallow full of copper. Might as well make sure they are all treated at once just in case. I'll be glad when that is done. I tested the actual effectiveness of the marshmallow treatment method day before yesterday. I stuck a probiotic in there and gave one to each goat, and after a little confusion on Sage's part that lead to Thyme getting an extra marshmallow they each scarfed them down without hardly chewing at all. So it should work great for the copper.
i will feel SOOOO much better once they are all treated.Still need to get them wormed. haven't heard from Anita, but if I don't hear from her soon I will just pick up some safeguard myself and dose them. I know for sure Sage and Parsley need it, so i don't want to put it off for too long. The horses are due, too.
Oh man, the time change is kicking my butt. I'm sleeping pretty good, compared to usual after time change, but I still wake up feeling HORRIBLE.
Tis the season where NOTHING looks pretty, but at least it's not SNOW !!! Soon we'll be looking at green poo from them gorging on too much new green grass..