The goats spent a few hours yesterday earning their keep. I put up a span of electric fence across the driveway and turned them loose in the back yard, which worked great until Rosemary managed to scoot under it without getting zapped. *ARG*
I have GOT to get a better fencer box! Something that will knock a critter back if they get too close instead of maybe give them a tingle if they stick their tongue on it.
At any rate, PICTURES!!!
Pitiful Parsley liked the dandelions better at first. Not sure if you can tell but he is finally shedding his coat and the stuff underneath is a lot more black instead of red. Shinier, too. His skin is still flaky but much better and still improving.
He finally found the scrub wild blackberry. When I first got him he moved in this kind of stiff post legged way, now he runs around all wiggly just like the other goats. He has GOT to be feeling better, even if he does still look a bit... rumpled. he has discovered that girls are interesting, finally, lol:
Thyme was the first one to find the good stuff:
but it didn't take long before they were all getting to work clearing the spot for next year's chicken coop addition:
Rosemary found a good vantage point to scope out the job site:
Sage took a break from brush clearing to mow some lawn:
Once Himself and the other Ladies noticed she was gone they raced around the yard a bit then joined her for some munchies:
If I could trust that they wouldn't blast through that fencing i could leave them out all day but if it won't zap through their fluffy coats they can just blast through it and get to the hedge bushes which are toxic to them. *sigh*
So yeah, really need something better but portable for this sort of thing.
Today it is pony pasture building time.
Oh, Parsley, you are the man of the hour.
ReplyDeleteHave you thought about electric poultry netting? They'd see a visible barrier and you could zap their noses with it. They should stay away from it then.
ReplyDeleteelectric net is on my "to do list" but i have to see how much money I have left after i buy my hay for the year. But i still need a better fencer box... the one I have now is literally 20 years old. lol.