They are arriving by spaceship.... lol...
It's almost impossible to regulate the temp and humidity right. I KNOW it is too humid in there but everything I read says too humid is better than not humid enough.
On the bright side, if this fails... it looks like I have a broody hen finally. This is day 4 of her sitting here, and she has a bare patch on her tummy and only gets up to eat and drink and heads back.
This is Fluffy Butt, the Buff Orpington. When she is out eating I am taking out the brown eggs and leaving the white and green under her. I get a lot more brown eggs than the other colours and at least one of the people I am supplying eggs to won't eat the brown ones, so I need more white and green. These chicks won't be the best mix for egg laying since daddy is a Phoenix and they are an ornamental not a production breed... but they should be quite pretty.
So, on the goat front.... I'm not sure it seems "right" only having two does. Two does does not a herd make, lol. I moved them into the Ladies Stall once Rosie and Thyme headed to their new home and the stall seems so.... empty... with just the two of them in there. I think they need a Nubian to keep them company. Someday. I may be going to look at a few Nubian doelings next week but unless I sell my cart and/or saddle that won't happen. Anyone looking for a wide Aussie saddle or a Shetland sized pony cart? I have names in mind for a Nubian should I ever get one. Artemisia or Belladonna, depending on colour. I like to plan ahead.
Thegirls are settled in to the big stall nicely.
Ivy is sure if she keeps checking something yummy will appear in her bucket.
Sage is looking a tad narrower in the belly today, at least from the front, but no smaller from the side.
I'm crossing fingers for the chickies and for Sage to have girls. If I can't get a Nubian this year then her girls will be my primary "sweet milk" does. So yeah, I need them to be girls. NEEEED. Plus I need new a "Rosemary" and "Thyme" to keep my herd's Scarborough Fair core in tact, lol. Yes, I fully intend to name two more of my goats by the same names as two previous goats. They will just be Rosemary II and Thyme II.
A friend of mine, Erin from Cadence Rhythm Beads (eBay seller: ExtraHannah) sent me the loveliest string of rhythm beads for Brego. He isn't quite sure what to think of them, he kept twitching his skin like he had a fly on his side and it kept making them jingle.
They are just gorgeous, I'm tempted to wear them myself when he isn't using them to look handsome and sound beautiful.
I told him he sounded like a bellydancer.
Just lovely.
:) You know my cat is named Chambray (speaking of the Scarborough Fair)
ReplyDeleteIn the last pic, Brego looks like a swarthy latino with his shirt unbuttoned too far, exposing his chunky gold chain and copious chest hair. "Joo know how sexy joo are?" Or maybe the cover of a romance novel; that works too, I guess.