Saturday, September 19, 2009

Avast! It Be Talk Like A Pirate day, ARRR!!!!

Avast, me mateys! The day be here! Show yer plunderin' and pillagin' ways and talk like a pirate, arrrrrrrr!

The "talk like a pirate day" song:

The Four Aarrrrrr's of Talkin' like pirate!!!!

And if ye don't be so good at talkin' like a pirate yer self there be translators to help ye!


  1. You always make me giggle!

    And you reminded me that it's Renfest time here - thinking tomorrow or next weekend.

  2. ARG....Does ye don yer pirate garb to partake of spaghetti and meatballs?


  3. "ARG....Does ye don yer pirate garb to partake of spaghetti and meatballs?"


    Being a devout Pastafarian I SHOULD, considering the definitive link between the decrease in pirates and the increase of global climate change... but I am afraid I donned me shorts and Hawaiian shirt for Mexican food instead.

  4. At a minimum, I believe an eye patch is indicated.


    And why is it the first click on [Post Comment] never works and I get a "try again"?... go figure!
