Mary, scratching her neck on the rtty old door frame because she is growing in her winter hair and is itchyitchyitchy:
Warming up. I used an old harness back pad before but it really is a bit too big for him so instead this time I used my bare back pad and the rings on the girth.
Trot dissa way:
Now trot datta way:
Then time for reins. Not many pictures of that because I need all my hands but we did REALLY well. About half the time I get a good solid easy whoa/stop and the other half the time he clearly knows what I want but protests. He is getting lighter and lighter on the stops but still resists his turns when he think he should be done working.
The tail end of a turn:
Here we have just done a pretty good whoa (after his best stops he would stand there and chew, as you can see if you look at this picture close):
Then after that was done we just did some free schooling. The slight hills on each end of this work area seem to be really doing his butt some good. It's starting to round out some:
awww he's soooo pretty!!!