Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My goodness, it has been busy.

So. Yeah. It has been busy.

I've had a bunch of stuff to do for the club (for those who do not know, my husband and I are members and on the board of a "sportman's club", it originated as a blackpowder rifle club), been working, sold one goat and replaced her with a baby goat, my car broke down and what have you... So... busy.

I will have more about club stuff later, for now you will just have to settle for goat stuff!!

I sold Nutmeg, one of my Toggenburg does. She went to the same farm Rosemary and Thyme went to, the same one where I bought my meat mix buck, Buckthorn. Her replacement is.... a Nubian.

I purchased her from Patch Of Pines Farm. She is about 4 weeks old and is currently spending a lot of time in a large dog crate n the kitchen while i bottle feed her.

I am having a "Name the Goat" contest (Enter Here) on my Facebook page. She has a registered name, but this will be for her "barn" name, which is like a nickname that will actually be what she is called on a daily basis.

She is heavily bred on Kastdemur lines (one of my two favourite lines of Nubian goats, the other being Saada) and should add a lot of milk to my herd.

Misty and the other dogs find her... interesting.

Dexter spends hours at a time gazing longingly at her. I have to supervise him around her at all times, because I think he actually wants to eat her.

She does get some play time out of the crate, in a diaper, and she has already figured out how to climb on the couch by herself. Play time for her is exhausting for me because she is into and on everything. And like a toddler, everything goes right into her mouth.

She will be heading out to the barn before too long, once this current "Snowpocolypse" has abated and the boys move back to the buck pen from the barn. But she hasn't ever lived outside and so I wanted to give her a bit more time before heading her out. I think I am going to see if she and Rosie get along so she won't have to be alone. If they don't Sage looks like she is going to have kids in the next months so she won't be alone.

I'll announce here when she has her name. until then she is just baby-goat.

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