Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I've been busy and/or lazy the last week or so. I have the does on a daily milking schedule. I started out taking them out of the nursery stall for two or three hours, then increased it by an hour or so each day.. I already posted our first day's milk. Yesterday they reached 10 hours (that is as long as i plan to keep them apart before I milk them) and I got enough milk to fill a 2 liter bottle. Wheee!!!!!!

So, this past weekend I made a batch of chevre cheese. I used a kit I got from New England Cheesemaking Supply. Super easy. Get milk to temp, mix in culture, let sit overnight, dump into cheese cloth and hang over night to drip out whey, done. And DELICIOUS. Like a rich tangy cream cheese. I spiced some up with a salt free garlic and herb mix and Tsu went totally nuts over it. YAY!

I have also been saving our store bought milk each time we have leer in a jug when it hits the sell by date I bag it, tag it and stuff it in the freezer. I bought a gallon of whole milk on sale, mixed it in with the frozen stuff and used this recipe to make some Farmer's cheese. I added a tad bit of salt, froze some to make chip dip with later, mixed some garlic and chives in some to use on potatoes or sandwiches and left some plain.


SOOO delicious. For a cheese lover like me this is pure bliss!

Anyway, after tonight's milking I will have enough milk to make my first batch of mozzarella. I can't wait. I'm so excited. And if I screw it up, I will have enough milk to try again in two days!!!

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